Frank Lloyd Wright was a prolific architect who changed the landscape of American architecture, looking at the art of building in a completely new way. Building homes all over America, his legacy is in the 511 homes he designed, one very important example of which lies right here in Scottsdale. Taliesin West, located at 12621 N Frank Lloyd Wright Boulevard, is a sprawling building that was designed to look as if it was a natural part of the desert landscape and was used as his winter home, design studio, and architectural school during the latter part of his life. This quick peek will ensure that a visit to Frank Lloyd Wright’s Taliesin West is added to your bucket list during your vacation of a lifetime in the West’s Most Western Town!
No Cookie Cutter Homes
A lot of thought went into the design of every Frank Lloyd Wright home, as his were organic designs built to fit into the landscape upon which the structure would rest. Taliesin West is lies low to the ground, its buildings filled with glass and built with desert materials comprised of stone and sand. The interiors of this important piece of architecture are left as Wright planned, offering a peek into the world as he knew it, and the tours that lead guests through are filled with information that is extremely fascinating. At first, there were no windows, as Frank wanted Taliesin to be one with nature, but after more than a few desert storms, his wife found a way to convince him that glass is important, and your guide will be happy to share THAT story with you! The furnishings inside are all Frank Lloyd Wright designed, and the shop at the end of the tour is filled with beautiful pieces you will want to make your own.

From Frank’s Home to Ours
We aren’t going to pretend that our I Love Scottsdale properties are equal in importance to Taliesin West, but we will promise that the furnishings are a lot more comfortable, and the style is more than a bit more modern! If you’re looking to spoil yourself on your next vacation, take a look at our luxury rentals in Scottsdale that will elevate your experience. Contact us to reserve your favorite escape today!